
Monday, July 22, 2013

Chocolatey Sponges with Biscuits

Hey there! :) 
Do You like weddings
We were in a cheerful wedding some days ago. Actually this was the very first that I was attending, so I was really excited. :D That was the reason for the happening of this cake. You know , not for the wedding cake, just for the one that guests are bringing.
 What do You like the best in weddings? :) I think the couple related personal games are the bests, or the cake. :D And don't forget the dresses! :D 

So, this sponge cake was delicious, soft and it doesn't contain any eggs so it's really easy to make. You should try! ;)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Apple Smoothie with Biscuits

Hey Guys! :) 
Everyone is all right? 
I don't know if I am in  time with my usual recipe update, because working days are just flying with me, and I lost my usual daily system. 
But it's getting better. :) I like helping guest in the hotel (You know I'm a receptionist trainee now.) And on my weekly 2days holiday I still can make some desserts. :D
So here's a super easy, fruity dessert to You! Make it, put it to the fridge, and You will have a wonderful, cooling smoothie. :) Enjoy!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Cherry Chocolate Cake

Hello! :) 
Are You having a great vacation time? Or is it your busyly working, house renovating period? 
I try to have both. :) On my free days, I usually bake something, and try to relax. Just trying, because You know, household chores are always there...

Anyways, this cake was so good. Really fruity, and chocolaty , so 2 in 1.  :) 
It can be a great group work, baking together with a friend, or with your loved one, just like I did. :) You should try this. ;)

And I wish You great summer days! Enjoy !

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Peachy Yogurt Cake

Hello Darlings! :)

How is Your Summer lately? Mine is really busy. 
I haven't got too much time to enjoy the vacation after my last semester, as my trainee program have begun. But no complaint, it's very useful, and my colleagues are sweet and helpful. Only I have to study the methods as soon as I can, and it can be real confusing sometimes, but I  try to do my best. :) Yoda would say: "Do or Do not. There is no try." So fingers crossed. :D

But baking remained my favourite hobby , so here's a tasty, spongy, fruity, refreshing cake. Enjoy! :)