
Monday, March 24, 2014

Lúdláb Cake alias "Goose Leg Cake"

Hi Dears! :)
So, recently I have become a full-time cake baker...
No, not really, but it's true, that during 1-2 weeks time I baked 3 big cakes. :)
This one was for my boyfriend's grandmother. :) 
You might ask why it is called as Goose Leg. It is actually really strange, because it has nothing to do with geese, and even less with legs...
But now I read a little bit on this subject, and there are several answers. 
First of all, it is the best when using real eggs from the cottages, which has orange yolks, just like the geese's legs, that makes our mixture at the beginning  beautifully yellow. 
The second solution, is that we slice the cake up in a triangle shape, quite similar to the leg of the goose
(I might add that we do that we every circle shaped cake through out the world, so I don't really think this would be the one)
The third thing is quite possible, that in the old times, this cake was the most popular during the ceremonies of Saint Martin, in autumn, when every dish has something to do with geese. This fashion remained, still now as well. :)

Anyway, it's tasty, and we could call it as well as a Chocolate Mousse Cake with sour cherries if You don't like to call it Goose Leg Cake. :D
One more tip: it is best to serve after cooling it in the fridge for a night
(True story, I didn't have time to make it one day before the celebration, I just cooled it for about 4 hours, and after serving it, it began to melt, and slowly ran away from the plate. :D It would have been great if we have put that in the fridge straight away. :) )

Monday, March 17, 2014

Gastro programs - March

Hello Dears,
I hope You are fine. :)
Today I brought You some great gastronomic programs, opportunities to explore the Hungarian cuisine if You are here / or if You would like to come in the future. 
So what to do & where to eat in March?

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Eszterházy Cake

Hi Dears, and Welcome to the 100. post of Hungarian Food Guide! :D

Let's celebrate this milestone with one of the most popular cakes of Hungary, the well-known Eszterházy cake, that I actually baked for my favorite future to be Mother-in-law's birthday.

It's soft, creamy, and has a lot of walnut in it, which makes it really tasty, and as You can see, on top it has a significant decoration with white and brown chocolate. You can taste it in every confectioneries, but home-made is always better :). 

We have a National Holiday as well today, because it's the 15th of March, the celebration of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 for democracy and freedom.

So , let's see the cake's recipe...

Monday, March 10, 2014

Cottage Cheese Biscuits "Túrós pogácsa"

Hi Dears! :)
I hope You are fine, and You can enjoy the beautiful flowers around You.
 I got so pretty tulips, roses, bromeliads for women's day that our kitchen is like a fairyland now. :D
 (A lot of thanks for the gentlemen of the family and friends for that. :D) 
- I will make a photo of  them tomorrow I promise, and post it on Facebook, because now it's evening and it's too dark. -

Also, I have an even BIGGER milestone to announce!
I had my Graduation on Saturday! YAY! I made it. 3 and a half year of full of studying.
 You know, tourism and catering.  I'm now an Economist. :) 
Sounds so clever. :D
 -photo will be of me at the end of the post-
The only thing I'd like now is a great job. Cross fingers for me, pls. :D

OK, let's speak about this biscuit, it's one of my usual recipe for salty snack. The cottage cheese makes it even more soft, so I recommend using it! :)