
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Little pies

Hi Dears,
I brought a new recipe for pies, and great personal news!
 I am the chosen cook of the week on the biggest Hungarian recipe sharing site - at! Yay! A whole article is about me, with my cakes...

But this recipe of the pies is only Yours, it's not on that site, yet. :D 
I baked them in muffin trays, but You can bake it in one big tart form, if you prefer those. I used fresh fruits for the filling, and the result was really tasty.

Friday, May 22, 2015

My pastry exam

Hi Dears,
It's only a small post about my baking exam I had this week.

Visiting the SÜTI. Home-made-style cakes, shop & manufactury

Hi Dears, 
It's time to introduce a really nice little Cake Shop & manufacture the SÜTI.  
I have visited it yesterday, and tried one of it's cakes...

Friday, May 15, 2015

Practising for the Baking exam & Mother's Day

Hello Dears,
I hope You all right, and didn't get any flu like me during these extremely hot days. I can only wonder how I managed to get this, when every other normal people enjoyed the sun, and they got tanned and I got a cold instead... :( 

Anyway I am recovering, I have some days off from my trainee program, so I am at home, reading books, and when I feel a little bit better I am baking of course. I have my first baking exam next week, with 5 types of pastries. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wedding Cupcakes with decorated cookies

Hello Dears, 
Last weekend, we were at a beautiful wedding ceremony, and party! 
(It was my second time to attend to one, and this time I was one of the bridesmaids, too! :) ) 
So as I am a pastry cook to be, what else could have been my gift, than some kind of desserts? 
The main color theme of the wedding was green with orange, that's why I've chosen the green cupcake liners, and even the cupcakes top were covered with green frosting.