
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Visiting the biggest Christmas fair in Budapest

I've visited the Christmas fair in Vörösmarty square last night. I was curious about it, I like visiting it every year, it always brings me the Christmas spirit, and this time wasn't an exception, either. So let's see what shall we find there this year! :)

This is the 14th time, that this fair is organised, so we can say, that this is quite a new custom here. Originally this came from Vienna, especially from queen Maria Teresa, who has the first Christmas tree in our country.  But every time it's worth going and looking this fair, the atmosphere is fantastic. :)

This was my favourite part.... :D I love cats (I also have a black catie for about 11 years, so I am a true cat owner) and this year I found an enormous amount of gifts which were related to cats. Just look at the pictures, some of them made me smile a lot. :) 

Of course, there are some kiosks with traditional Hungarian present ideas, like the embroidered table cloths, or laces, or even the dolls with Hungarian folk dresses. But you can always find them,  if you come to Hungary, any time, in our souvenir shops. :)

But let's move back to the unique supply of this year! :) I also liked these socks, shoes, and pillows, toys which were made of felt! :) 

Candles are inseparable from Chrsitmas, but we can find new ideas as well, for that, like this little apple-baker porcelain, or that Santa Claus, which has a candle inside, and the dust comes out of his mouth as his breath in the cold. I found it really cute. :) But the other, the angels with the candles growing out of their heads, are a little bit weird. :D 
The cutest doll game's winner are these! :)
Other interesting present ideas: like this kiosk with wine specialities:
 Or these bags, which are zippers! 

 Or the hand made special chocolates, like these:

But my ultimate favourites are these! :D Paprika ear-rings! (You should know that there are very good quality red paprikas in Hungary, especially in Kalocsa, and Szeged.) And this is decorative as well! :) Very good idea from the artist who made them! :)
 You can also eat and drink in the fair, mostly Hungarian specialities, like soup from a loaf, sausages, and so on, but this year the "germknödel"s came to conquer in Hungary too, from the remote mountaines .

 There are programs as well, like there are 2 stages, with concerts, and shows, and from the 30th of november there will be virtual painting shows on the famous building - Gerbeaud confectionery, at 17 , 19 and 20 hours, so I shell come back then, to see , and report it to You! :)
I hope You enjoyed this short virtual trip to our Christmas fair. 

 xoxo: Hajni


  1. I've voted and follow your blog... Hope you'll follow me back...

  2. WONDERFUL... Making new traditions are so important for the future of our Children. Fun too with plenty of good food and drinks. Gifts and ideas. Love all your pages.

    Thank you so much for sharing your life and Country with the World.XXOO
