Sunday, September 8, 2013

light Swimming pool Cocktail

Hello Darlings! :)
Do You miss summer already? 
To bring it back, just a little bit more, I made You a summertime cocktail. :)
It's a lighter version of the Swimming pool cocktail, but as my friendship is not so alcoholic (thank's god :D ) we really liked this drink. A taste of pleasure! 
0.5 l of Curacao liquor (the blue one)
1 l of cream (milky sour cream)
some fruits (oranges, or apples)

To 1 glass of cocktail, with a measure of 4 cl cup:
- 1 parts of Curacao
- 1,5 parts of sour cream  

- 1 parts of sour cream
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
(the original cocktail includes white rum as well)


I used a 0,5 l shaker. One amount of it was enough for 2 glasses of cocktail.
Previously I put some cubes of ice to each of the glasses.

1. Shake 2 parts of curacao with 3 parts of sour cream and with a cup of ice.
2. Pour them to 2 glasses.
3. Repeat it 4 times, so You will have 8 glasses of cocktails.
4. Shake 2 parts of sour cream with 2 tsp of sugar and half a cup of ice, and pour it to the top of the cocktails. Repeat it 4 times again. 
5. Wash the fruits, and cut them to slices. Then cut them near their peel halfly, (like in the picture) and place them to the edges of the glasses.
6. Serve them with drinking straws. :) 

Enjoy the summer time feeling! 
xoxo: Hajni

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